Special issue of Annals of Operations Research journal

The international journal Annals of Operations Research is editing a special issue on the occasion of the CLAIO2021 conference.

We invite recent contributions with a strong focus on the theoretical, practical or computational aspects of Operations Research. Submission is not restricted to participants of the conference.

Topics include theoretical and empirical analysis of operations research models; computational experiments; analysis and applications of constrained, unconstrained, robust, stochastic and combinatorial optimization algorithms; dynamic models, such as dynamic programming and decision trees; new search tools and algorithms for global optimization, modelling, learning and forecasting.

The edition of the issue will be done through the platform of the journal ANOR (https://www.editorialmanager.com/anor/default.aspx), following the journal submission guidelines. During the submission, you should first choose the original paper, fill all the general information about the paper and review, and then, in the “additional information” section, select “S.I.: CLAIO2021”

Deadline for the submission of full papers will be announced. Additional information can be obtained from the guest editors.

Guest Editors:

José Fernando Oliveira
Universidade do Porto (Portugal)

Ruben Ruíz
Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain)

Franklina Toledo
Universidade de São Paulo - USP (Brazil)

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    IBERIA L.A.E. Preferred Air Carrier of the XX Latin Ibero-American Conference on Operations Research will grant a 10% discount to conference attendees.

    More information here.



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